Thursday, January 10, 2013

Zero Waste Project Reflection

Zero Waste Reflection

By: Sarah McMurtry

    The Zero Waste Project came about because of the amount of trash that was being put into our trash bins and being dropped on the floor. We decided to do something about it, and make a plan about how to reduce the amount of trash on our campus. The Zero Waste Project is how we can measure and reduce the amount of trash in our school. My question for the Zero Waste Project is, “How does trash get from Innovations Academy to the ocean?” The components of a Zero Waste Project may include coming up with a plan to reduce the lunch waste on campus, hold a zero waste assembly, or convince the school to participate in Zero Waste Week.

    From this project I learned how trash from Innovations Academy gets to the ocean. When we drop trash on the ground it goes into our storm drains and watershed. Then the storm drains take the trash to the local canyons, the Los Penasquitos Lagoon, and then ends up at Torrey Pines Beach. I called the San Diego Coast keeper to find out what watershed we are in and what beach Innovations Academy affects the most. I also looked up a lot of information on Google. My final product included a three dimensional map of where our trash goes to after being dropped on the ground and a printed power point presentation describing the process of how our trash ends up in the ocean. The power point also included extra information about the Los Penasquitos Watershed and what animals are affected the most by our waste. I didn’t use much math in my project but there was quite a bit of science. I showed how trash interacts with the ocean and the animals that live there.

    The final product of my Zero Waste Project looked really nice, but I had to go through a lot of editing to make it look good. I made a 1st draft of the power point, which I edited myself. Then Wes revised the power point after me and found a few more mistakes. After the writing part of the power point looked perfect, I started editing the pictures.  My partner, Zuri, worked on a three dimensional map of how  trash gets to the ocean. The three dimensional map didn’t turn out the best because Zuri focused on getting it done rather than putting effort into make it look good and professional. If I had to give Zuri a score from 1-4 I would give her a 1 because she barely put any effort in the project. Instead she looked up Furbies. If I had to give myself a score from 1-4, I would give myself a 3. I would give myself a 3 because I worked hard to make my power point look good but I do feel I could have put a little more effort into the power point.

    During this project I learned that even if you drop a piece of trash in your school, it will eventually end up in the ocean. This project has reduced the amount of trash I use daily. It made me realize that even just one piece of trash makes a drastic impact on our oceans. Innocent animals are dying due to our carelessness.
Is it so hard to recycle?

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